Monday, March 23, 2015

Be a Sleep Diva

Our society is constantly moving and trying to find ways to fit more hours in the day. We are all about progress and pushing ourselves just a little too hard in order to be successful. What people don't realize is how harmful sleep deprivation is for your body. I am a busy college student and always on-the-go but when it comes to sleep, I'm the biggest diva. I love sleep and I know I need it to function, but here comes the big shocker... so do you! People tend to forget this, especially during those crazy college years when sleep is seen as a luxury, not a necessity. It's not always easy to get a good nights sleep in but with a little discipline you can make it happen and you will love the feeling of being well rested. Here's a couple tips to help you get a better nights sleep and some reasons why sleep should be a big part of your life. 

Here's why:
  1. Lack of sleep or too much sleep can actually shorten your life span. 
  2. Sleep helps you feel less stressed.
  3. Sleep helps strengthen your memory and your ability to learn = better grades.
  4. Lack of sleep can damper your mood and energy to take on the day.
  5. The right amount of sleep is good for your heart health.
  6. Those who have a regular sleep schedule tend to loose more weight than those who don't.
  7. When you wear yourself down, you are more susceptible to sickness. Sleep keeps you healthy.
  8. When you get enough sleep, you can wake up early enough to eat the best meal of the day.. BREAKFAST :)
  9. A regular sleep schedule helps fight insomnia. 
  10. You get to lay in a comfy bed, snuggled up in blankets, away from the world in your very own dreamland... what isn't appealing about that? 

Here's how:
1. Put down your phone.
In today's world it's a part of our lifestyle to stay up to date on all things social media. Before going to bed it's like a new religion to check all of your accounts and see the who, what and how's of the day. There's also all of these crazy addicting games that make it so hard to put down. I'm guilty of it. I mean to go to bed and then soon enough it's an hour later and I'm still on my phone. Then right when I'm about to call it a night and put the phone down... Oh, My. Gosh. Carrie and John are back together?! Looks like I won't be sleeping anytime soon. 

Set yourself some ground rules. Check your phone earlier in the night, not while you're laying in bed. If you need something to help you fall asleep, get in the habit of reading a good book or journaling your day. These are both very therapeutic habits to start. Try to stay away from the TV or Netflix because these are both addictive and the screens will make it harder to fall asleep.  Also, set your phone on "do no disturb" during your sleeping hours so you won't be bothered by annoying notifications and group texts throughout the night. 

2. Make your days more productive.
I know so many people who's days consist of 1-2 classes and 4-6 hours of Netflix along with some eating and socializing with friends. As fun as this sounds, it's not a very productive day. In order to get a better nights sleep you need to go to bed at a decent hour, regularly. In order to do that, you need to get all of your stuff done during the daytime hours. If you have a lot to get done that day, set aside specific times to work on it. Then if you have extra time leftover, by all means indulge in a Netflix marathon

3. Relax yourself before bed.
Your body cannot go from being completely wound up to completely passed out very easily (unless by chance you are in an alcohol induced state). You have to give your body sometime to relax before falling asleep. Try drinking a cup of  "sleepytime tea" before bed or doing some relaxing yoga poses like on this site Bedtime Yoga. There are tons of options, listen to some soothing music, do some deep breathing exercises. whatever works for you. 

4. Get a workout in.
Working out will exhaust your entire body. Getting a workout in during the day will help your body to feel more exhausted by the time it's time to sleep. Just another reason exercise is wonderful for you :)

5. Set a schedule.
College life is anything but routine so setting a sleep schedule is hard. Once you get a schedule set though, sleep will come easier and waking up in the morning will too! Pick a time during the week that is feasible for you to wake up at everyday. Let's say you have class at 9am on certain days and 11am on others. DO NOT sleep in on the days you don't have class right away. Get in the habit of waking up at that time anyways and just get something else accomplished before class. Also, set yourself a bedtime so that you will be able to get 8 hours in before having to wake up. Give yourself an hour each night before this "bedtime" to calm your body and get everything set for the next day. Setting a sleep schedule takes a lot of discipline but you'll love the way you feel once your body is on track! Plus, you can kiss those dark circles and under-the-eye bags goodbye!

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