Monday, April 6, 2015

15 Things I learned in College

This will be the last post for my class blog and I thought it would be fitting to make it about some of the best things I learned in college since I will be graduating in just over a month. 

1. You're only as poor as you feel. It's a common stereotype that college students are poor, which we are. But that doesn't have to be a negative thing. I suggest embracing things like ramen noodles, shitty apartments, thriftshopping, and Hawkeye Vodka. It's four years where you are all in the same boat and it's pretty fun just laughing about the struggle of it all with your friends. I would advise you to work in college so you have some income but don't stress about your bank account. We're all in debt when we leave anyways. 

2. Grades don't matter, what you learn does. I feel like so many kids come to college and get serious cases of anxiety over whether or not they will get an A on this 25 page midterm paper over the affordable health care act. This is ridiculous. I have fully embraced the saying "C's and D's get degrees" because they do! I'm not saying slack off, learn as much as you can while you're here because knowledge is a beautiful thing. Look at your classes from how much you learned from them, not the grade you earned. If you learned and grew as a student, that's what really counts once you get to the real world. 

3. Do Not, I repeat DO NOT cry over a boy in college. These are some of the most exciting and changing years in your life. So many girls come to college expecting to find the love of their life so they can be engaged upon graduation. STOP. This is the new millennium and women have so many opportunities in their 20's beyond settling down right away and popping out babies. Focus your effort on making friends, having fun, and finding yourself. As cheesy as that sounds, this is the time for you to figure out your hopes and dreams and who you really want to be as a person. Don't let a boy get in the way of that. 

4. Learn to be independent. It's an important skill to be able to walk to the library or the coffee shop or even the mall by yourself. I'm not saying be a loner but it's important to do what you want when you want instead of always waiting or relying on others to join you. Make decisions for yourself and be comfortable with being with just you. If you have dreams to taking on an internship in a new city or studying abroad, you'll never survive if you haven't learned some independence. 

5. Some people will like you, others won't. College isn't a popularity contest. If someone doesn't like you or you don't like them it's simple, just avoid them. It's your time to choose the people you want to be surrounded with so find the ones that matter and hold tight because your friends become your family here. 

6. Everyone does regrettable things in college. Whether it's puking all over that cute bartender, waking up next to a complete stranger, or maybe even waking up in jail.. it's okay. Embrace your mistakes and move on. We've all had our own experiences. The world's a bigger place than your not-so-proud moments anyways.  

7. Hold tight to your morals, values, and faith. I guarantee that not everyone is doing it or thinking that or whatever is. If you don't want to do something or don't believe in something it's totally okay. Grow some balls and stand up for yourself and what you believe in. People respect those who have balls in college. 

8. Always drink water before bed after a night out. Just do it, you will thank me in the morning.

9. Help is literally everywhere, you just have to ask. This one reminds me of a great quote by Albus Dumbledore, "Help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it." Wherever you are going to school, just know that if you are struggling, it's okay to ask for help. And help is everywhere you look, you just need ask. It makes a world of difference and people truly want to help you. Don't let your pride get in the way of your success and happiness. 

10. When it comes to the cold weather, the more ridiculous you look the better. If you have never walked 15 minutes across a campus that has 20 mph winds and a temp of negative 30, you maybe don't understand this... but trust me you will. Wear 3 pairs of pants if necessary and tie your scarf around your face like a turban. People won't be looking at you weird, they will be looking at you with jealousy because they are nearing hypothermia. 

11. Just say "Hi." There are going to be SO many occasions where you and that person you  sort of know from that class 2 years ago are the only two people on a 100 yard sidewalk about to cross paths. Or that girl from the bar a few weekends ago when you bonded over your love for tequila and Ryan Reynolds but then never talked again annnnd you don't really feel like saying hi right now. Just do it. If you don't you will forever feel awkward when you see that person because you know you know each other but both refuse to acknowledge it. Plus, who doesn't love it when someone recognizes them and says hi?

12. Quit "counting down the days til.." Trust me, whatever it is, is going to come fast enough anyways. Learn to live in the moment and enjoy where you are now. Those exciting things in the future will be here before you know and you'll wish you could turn the clock back a bit. 

13. Love your body. Guess what girls, you are now women and chances are you will never be the same size and shape you were in high-school. GET OVER IT. You are still beautiful and life will be okay. You also have to realize that while in college, rarely is there a sense of routine so setting a healthy routine for yourself isn't always in the cards. I'm not saying neglect your health, still exercise and eat healthy whenever possible but also let yourself enjoy those guilty pleasures. Sure, you might gain some weight, most do.. it's okay. Try your best and love you who are, don't punish yourself for not having that perfect bikini bod. No body is perfect. 

14. Work hard so you can play harder. It's okay to know how to party hard and have a good time with your friends on the weekends, as long as you work hard during the week. Keep up with your studies, get a part-time job, join a student organization, whatever it is. Just make sure you are working hard to earn your party time. Require yourself to hold a higher standard, have priority's and goals. It has to be you, on your own ambition because no one is there to tell you what to do anymore.

15. Never turn down an adventure. Right now, it's just you. No full time career or family obligations. Just you. Live adventurously. You never know where a late night walk to the park with friends might take you. If you take on any adventure thrown your way, I promise you, you will have a college career to remember. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Healthy Eating at Restaurants

I am a lover of food and a lover of restaurants. One of my favorite things to do is to go out to eat with some good company and enjoy a great meal. Eating out all the time is a large contributor to weight gain (and a smaller bank account) but it doesn't have to be. Here are a couple tips to help you eat healthier at a restaurant. 

  • Your first drink order should always be a glass of water with lemon. If you want to get something else that's fine but you should also order a water. The lemon has been proven to help weight loss so squeeze a little in with your water. (Plus water is free!)
  • Don't feel like you have to order a salad. Most restaurants add so many toppings along with a high calories dressing and a portion fit for a giant that they really aren't that much healthier of an option. 
  • Look for dishes with lean meats, vegetables, and a lighter sauce. Red meats, pasta, and creamy sauces are things you want to try to avoid. If you do want pasta, try to pair it with chicken and a marinara sauce instead. If you want a steak, opt for a vegetable side rather than creamy garlic potatoes. 
  • Avoid fried foods. There are obvious things that you know will be fried in a restaurant like french fries, a breaded tenderloin, cheddar nuggets, etc. There are also things that might surprise you so read carefully. Also, ask if there is an option to bake any of the fried items instead. Not all restaurants will do this but some might if you request it. 
  • Less sauce more seasoning. Sauces add calories. Look for meals flavored with herbs and seasonings rather than dressings and sauces. 
  • Cut it in half. Once you receive your meal immediately cut it in half. Restaurants are infamous for giving over-sized portions. By cutting your meal in half from the start, you can avoid over eating. 
  • Share now or save some for later. As I just mentioned, meals are given to you in very large portions in restaurants to try to find a friend that likes the same things as you and you can split your meal instead. It's also a lot cheaper! Or just take the other half home and enjoy yummy leftovers the next day. 
  • Chat it up. Engage in conversation while eating. This helps you to eat slower which will allow your brain to process how full your stomach really is before you've consumed your whole meal. 
  • Drink it up. Make it your goal to drink a full glass of water before your meal comes, one glass while eating your meal, and one after your meal is finished. This will help you to feel fuller, keep you hydrated, and aid in the digestion of your meal. 

Monday, March 30, 2015

23 Ways to Look Great this Summer!

Summer is just around the corner and that means swimsuits, shorts, tanks, and dresses! It's harder to rock these skimpier styles if you're not comfortable in your own skin. Here's 23 ways to look your best this summer encompassing the 3 key elements of fitness, beauty, and nutrition. 


1. Run Outdoors. Pretty self explanatory, enjoy that beautiful fresh air and go for a long run outside. Just be sure not to run during the hottest parts of the day (12p.m.-4p.m.) to avoid heat exhaustion and dehydration.

2. Find a Playground. Shocking I know, but playgrounds aren't just for kids. Head to your local park and you'll find a goldmine of equipment like monkey bars, steps, parallel bars, ladders, etc. you'll be surprised all the different muscles you can work on these!

3. Go for a Swim. Whether its a pool or a pond, swimming laps is very therapeutic, great for your joints, and is one of the best cardio workouts you can do.

4. Morning Yoga. Take your mat outdoors, soak up the sunshine and singing birds. The natural atmosphere outside will help you relax and take on the day. 

5. Run on the Beach. If you live by the ocean or just a lake, there's gonna be sand somewhere. Head there for a run, you'll be surprised at how exhausting it is and what a great workout it can be. 

6. Go for a Bike Ride. Bikes are fun AND a great cardio workout. Plus you'll love your toned legs.


7.  Tinted Moisturizer. In the summer, less is more and the natural look is all the rage. Opt for showing off that sun-kissed skin with a tinted moisturizer rather than applying a thick layer of foundation. 

8. Sunscreen. You want healthy skin, not damaged skin so invest in a good bottle of sunscreen and apply it regularly. 

9. Sunhats. Need I say more? They are adorable and protect your face from harmful UV rays.

10. Play up your Lips. Summer is the season of bright colors so have fun playing up your lips with bright lip balms and lipsticks. 

11. Waterproof Mascara. You never know when a spontaneous water fight will break out on those hot summer days so be prepared and wear waterproof mascara. That way you'll avoid the inevitable raccoon eyes to sure to follow. 

12. Sea Salt Spray. For those easy, care-free beach waves, try applying a sea salt spray to your damp hair. It helps to texturize your hair and leave you with effortless waves. 

13. Sandals not Flip-Flops. This simple adjustment to your wardrobe will take any outfit up a notch. A cute pair of sandals instantly makes you look more put together. 

14. Shimmer Body Moisturizers. Another way to play-up your sun-kissed skin is to keep it moisturized. Try a body lotion with shimmer to really let your skin glow. 

15. Deep Conditioner. This is a great hair care product to invest in for the summer. Chlorine and dirty lake water can do a lot of do a lot of damage to your hair so nourish it with a deep conditioner. 

16. Beach Pedicures. Go for a barefoot walk in the sand. It's like your own personal pedicure. It exfoliates and massages your tender tootsies.  

17. Sundresses. I love sundresses. There are many benefits to a sundress -- they are much cooler than shorts or pants due to the "air flow" (there's really no other word to use here) you feel when wearing one, they are super quick to throw on because it's one article of clothing, you look fabulous in them!


18. Smoothies. Fresh fruit and veggies are in season and what better way to consume them than in a refreshingly cold smoothie.

19. Fruit Salad. Can you say yum?! Grab a bunch of your favorite fruits. Chop them up. Throw them into a bowl together. That's it!

20. Grilling. Grills are wonderful. They give food a great flavor and it's such a fun way to cook and enjoy the outdoors. Try grilling leaner proteins like fish or chicken. Then throw some veggie kabobs on and tadaa you've got a great meal!

21. Frozen Yogurt. Summer is the season of frozen treats. Opt for a healthier version by picking frozen yogurt instead and adding some delicious fresh fruit to it. 

22. Hydrate. Drink water like it's your job. The sun and heat are very draining on your body and you need to replenish your water supply constantly. Try fruit or cucumber infused water to make drinking it more fun. 

23. Smile. This wonderful season is short and it would be a shame to waste a day frowning so wear that beautiful smile everywhere you go this season and you will truly look your best!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Be a Sleep Diva

Our society is constantly moving and trying to find ways to fit more hours in the day. We are all about progress and pushing ourselves just a little too hard in order to be successful. What people don't realize is how harmful sleep deprivation is for your body. I am a busy college student and always on-the-go but when it comes to sleep, I'm the biggest diva. I love sleep and I know I need it to function, but here comes the big shocker... so do you! People tend to forget this, especially during those crazy college years when sleep is seen as a luxury, not a necessity. It's not always easy to get a good nights sleep in but with a little discipline you can make it happen and you will love the feeling of being well rested. Here's a couple tips to help you get a better nights sleep and some reasons why sleep should be a big part of your life. 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Meal Prep for Beginners

I have recently started "prepping" my meals at the beginning of each week so I have conveniently portioned meals that I can take with me instead of always buying food on-the-go. I am definitely not an expert but I have found certain recipes, tips and tricks that seem to work best that I want to share with all of you. To start with, you might be asking "Why would you even worry about prepping your meals?" Well there are several reasons I started:

1. It's healthier. By planning out and pre-making your meals for the week you can make sure that you get all of the nutrients you need in your diet. Also, everything is portioned for you so you avoid overeating at meals.
2. It saves you time. If you're like me, I don't have time to run home for every meal, cook something from scratch, do the dishes etc. Having your meals ready to eat already makes meal time that much quicker and you will have minimal dishes for the remainder of the week. 
3. It saves you money. If you don't have food at home to eat that's quick, chances are you will just run to the nearest restaurant, fast food joint, or gas station to pick up something to eat. That $5 cheeseburger might not seem like much at the time but it adds up quickly. 
4. It makes eating healthy, fun. When you already have apples pre-sliced in a cute baggie with a little container with a serving of peanut butter to go with it, snacking healthy becomes a lot more fun. Eating a salad out of a trendy mason jar is way more enjoyable than having to put all the ingredients together at home. 
Below are recipes, instructions, and tips from the meal prepping I just completed for this week. I challenge all of you to give it a try. You don't have to make something for every meal. You could do every other day or just the meals you don't usually have time for or aren't home for. Whatever works for you!

Monday, March 2, 2015

Look Fabulous Fast

Being a girl is hard. There's so much that needs to be done when getting ready, you've got to do your hair, make-up, nails, shave, pick out an outfit.. all of which can take FOREVER. I don't know about you but I don't have forever. I've got about 45 minutes on a good day, sometimes 20 so I've had to learn how to put myself together fast. These are my favorite tips and tricks to look your best with limited time and effort. 

Monday, February 23, 2015

Why Water

8 glasses of water everyday. We've all heard the recommended daily amount of water for our bodies time and time again, yet so many of us are still living life dehydrated. I don't know about you, but finding time to drink that much water each day is a challenge. I also believe that many of us don't fully understand the significant role that water plays in our overall health so we tend not to make it a priority. So this post is about addressing the role water plays in our life and putting together an easy way to keep yourself properly hydrated throughout the day.

Monday, February 16, 2015

10 Ways to Multitask and Workout

I feel like many times, my excuse for not getting a workout in is that I don’t have time, or I have too many other things to do. Well here is a list a 10 ways that you can incorporate a workout into everyday activities like studying, reading, TV watching etc. It’s also important to remember that anything is better than nothing so sure, maybe on your more busy days you don’t go out and run 5 miles and then lift for two hours, but doing 5 minutes of abs is still 5 minutes better than not doing them.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

BONUS 30 Minute Total Body Workout at Home

Being a busy college student, I realize paying for a gym membership on a budget is sometimes unrealistic. If you're lucky, your school gives you a free gym pass to their rec center, but usually their hours of operation don't match up with your schedule. That doesn't mean you can't still get in a good workout! The following is a fast, easy, and effective workout that you can do in the comfort of your own home. No equipment needed, but I would recommend investing in a good yoga mat. It gives you a surface that provides cushion and traction for particular floor exercises. Plus it's a cute way to bring the gym feel to your home.

Monday, February 9, 2015

30 Minute Total Body Workout

This week's post is going to come in 2 parts. I realize that some people have access to gym equipment and others do not. My first post will be about a weekly, 30 minute workout plan that can be done at a gym and the second will be an at-home workout plan.

For starters, finding time to get a full body workout in is no easy task. There are so many different muscles to work and so little time in the day. I have tried several different "quick" workouts, but many times they leave me feeling under-exhausted. This workout however, is one that will get your heart pumping and your muscles quivering with exhaustion by the time you're done. It combines both cardio and strength moves for the most efficient use of your time. The key to a fast and effective workout is to push yourself. Go from one move to the next quickly and don't hold back. 

For this 30 minute workout you will need access to several machines: a squat press, a bicep curl, chest press, tricep machine, t-bar/row machine, pull up machine/bar, and a track although a treadmill will work just fine. (for biceps and triceps, feel free to use a cable machine).

Monday, February 2, 2015

Mason Jar Meal Prep

When you are constantly on-the-go it is often hard to find the time to eat or more specifically eat right. A well balanced diet it essential to looking good, feeling good, and having the energy to make it through those really busy days. When I don't have time to cook a meal, I often would resort purchasing things like gas station snacks or fast food. The downside to this is A) it's expensive and B) most of the time the food I purchased was not a healthy option. So the solution I have been looking into and currently love is the Mason Jar!! 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The Blog

I am currently finishing out my senior year of college and as many of you fellow students have probably realized by now, time is a limited resource. It's difficult enough juggling class, work, and friends--forget about cooking a nutritious meal or working out-- heck sometimes finding time to do my make-up is a struggle! Over the past few years in college I have found certain tips and tricks that have helped me to feel beautiful inside and out with minimal time and money. I encourage you to follow my blog for fun posts on how to be your own BusyyBeauty